Get to Know Me

Welcome to Real Life RN, where I am dedicated and excited to be helping you live your best life and create a journey that makes you feel like you! It is my mission is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to achieve optimal health and wellness.

At Real Life RN, I understand that health is not just about the absence of illness, but about living a vibrant and balanced life. My goal is to prevent illness or even reverse it!  My background as a Registered Nurse has allowed me to care for the sick - but I want to help prevent. That's why I offer a variety of products that are carefully curated to support your overall well-being.

After the death of my father, I did not feel like myself - eating everything in sight, inactivity, bloating and tired ALL the time. I wanted to feel better, and I needed to gain myself worth so I can be the best wife and mother.  I made a decision to focus on me.  I decided to focus on gut health through fasting and gut support - and I am so glad I did. I started to gain my confidence back.  After a year of focus on gut health, I managed to lose 30 pounds and so much more! I found sleep, energy, and the right balance my body needs to maintain top performance.  I truly believe I found the answer and I want to share my knowledge and expertise as an RN with anyone who will listen!  

My goal is to provide health coaching to help inform those who want change. Whether you're looking to improve your diet, boost your energy levels, or enhance your mental clarity, my store is your go-to resource.

But I don't stop at just providing information. I believe in empowering you to take action and make positive changes in your life. That's why my health coaching is designed to be practical and actionable, giving you the tools you need to implement healthy habits and transform your lifestyle.

At Real Life RN, we are more than just an ecommerce store. We are a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about health and wellness. We are here to support you every step of the way on your journey towards a healthier and happier life.

Thank you for choosing Real Life RN. Together, let's embrace the power of health and live our best lives!

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